by Kathy Gibson | Nov 21, 2018 | Innovation
Digital printing technology is revolutionising the entire book publishing supply chain, and self-publishing is thriving as a result. According to Nielsen BookData, (the respected source of comprehensive international records for books), in 2017 the market share for...
by Kathy Gibson | Nov 21, 2018 | Innovation
Just 8% of South African businesses are Digital Leaders, according to the Dell Technologies Digital Transformation Index (the DT Index) – but 40% of local heads of business believe they’ll disrupt rather than be disrupted. The DT Index, which was completed in...
by Kathy Gibson | Nov 21, 2018 | Features
With the rising norm of online shopping, apps, virtualisation, big data and cloud offerings, retail customers no longer need to visit stores physically to have a premium experience or go through aisles and load carts. By Rob Hudson The business-to-consumer market is...
by Kathy Gibson | Nov 21, 2018 | Features
South African Internet-connected consumers still gravitate towards brick and mortar shops for their purchases, with more shoppers practicing “webrooming” than “showrooming”. A GfK South Africa report, “E-commerce 360: Navigating the Technical Goods E-Commerce Market...
by Kathy Gibson | Nov 21, 2018 | Features
The digital shift in retail does not refer only to the notion that customers will one day forgo physical stores and shop exclusively online. By Sebastian Isaac Rather in the digital age, it interrogates how brick-and-mortar retailers are incorporating technology into...