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Redstor rescues vets hit by ransomware attack

You can train staff as much as you like, but only go so far. If ransomware is hidden in an invoice, it is hard to expect staff under pressure to check executable files for hidden links.

Silver linings: Demystifying the (ERP) cloud

A cloud-driven ERP environment provides a more secure way of benefitting from a digital approach to business. Given the complexities of regulatory compliance, it is all about keeping data safe, available, and online.

Human predictability, the invisible cyber threat

Organisations need to look inside their walls to lower the risks of cyberattacks, as cybercriminals often target employees and customers who exhibit predictable patterns of behaviour.

Opinion: Packaging labels can be life-savers

Label technology has become one of the mainstays of the contemporary printing industry, says Konica Minolta South Africa’s Leon Minnie, manager, production print, and established printing businesses as well as manufacturers are investing in label presses to...

Always-on economy, cloud data management trends

GDPR is a critical regulation for banks, insurers and other financial companies, as well as IT companies that could be involved in the processing of the data of EU citizens for these businesses.

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