Dealing with brand crisis from poor service

Dealing with brand crisis from poor service

By Diana Costelha, Business Consultant at Merchants Brand crises are a harsh reality for all organisations and dealing with them is not becoming any easier. Instead, it has become a complex tasks that requires constant supervision. We live in a digital world and...
Six lessons on business transformation

Six lessons on business transformation

Is there ever a good time for transformation? Do you wait until figures plunge and staff morale is at an all-time low, or look at how even small changes could make a difference to your bottom line? It’s important to note here that transformation doesn’t necessarily...
Custom software: Good, better, best

Custom software: Good, better, best

A big challenge in the custom development process is the ability of the development team to understand exactly what the business or client is looking for, and to accurately translate this requirement to the developers. Without this, the result can be a product that...