Cyberattacks: Writing your own ransom note?

Cyberattacks: Writing your own ransom note?

According to International Data Corporation (IDC), 66% of CEOs will have digital transformation at the heart of their corporate strategy. That said, 70% of siloed digital transformation initiatives will fail by 2018 due to insufficient collaboration, integration,...
Security skills shortage needs new approach

Security skills shortage needs new approach

By Trevor Coetzee, regional director, South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, Intel Security Businesses all over the globe are battling to close the cybersecurity skills gap as an increase in cloud computing, mobile and the Internet of Things fuels a rise in cyber...
Unlocking the door to comprehensive security

Unlocking the door to comprehensive security

By Ralph Berndt, Director, Sales and Marketing, Syrex. South African organisations must assess their security footprints to ensure they are prepared for the worst. And the worst is here – the 2015 IBM Cost of Data Breach Study found that the consolidated total cost of...
Cyberattacks: Writing your own ransom note?

Taking risk out of the payments channel

By Andries Kok, CFO, PayAccSys Online security breaches are becoming the order of the day, and such incidences are set to rise as the economy comes under increasing pressure. It is therefore becoming increasingly important for a business owner to take advantage of...