Trends: Is cloud the anti-hero of the moment?

Trends: Is cloud the anti-hero of the moment?

There have been many plays, books and movies produced featuring an anti-hero; a lead character who, despite perhaps lacking the qualities of a conventional hero, is at the centre of the story and thereby becomes the hero, writes Jaap Scholten, Head of Group Hybrid IT...
6 business trends to keep an eye on in 2022

6 business trends to keep an eye on in 2022

If there’s one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it’s that we shouldn’t try to predict the future. After all, who could have foreseen a pandemic that is still wreaking havoc across the globe nearly two years later? For a large number of...
Hybrid events are the way of the future

Hybrid events are the way of the future

The global pandemic stopped meetings, conferences, and events in their tracks. Like every other industry, the events industry went through an unprecedented time, and had to reinvent itself in order to survive. The pandemic accelerated the digital world, and customers...