by Dianne Bayley | Dec 9, 2020 | Security and Legal
The Presidential Commission on the 4th Industrial Revolution (the Commission) was tasked with drawing up a strategy to enable South Africa to participate fully in the fourth industrial revolution (the 4IR), notes Ziyanda Ngcobo, Senior Associate at Webber Wentzel. Its...
by Dianne Bayley | Dec 2, 2020 | Security and Legal
The Competition Commissioner during the Commission’s Annual Conference (in November 2020), noted that the Commission will take a “decisive and proactive stance to ensure the balance of economic forces favour a shift to facilitating entry and a more...
by Dianne Bayley | Nov 30, 2020 | Featured Articles
Businesses that have taken steps to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation passed by the EU will also have to be compliant with South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act by July 2021. Compliance with one, does not ensure compliance with the...
by Dianne Bayley | Nov 16, 2020 | Security and Legal
Many businesses have adopted the paperless policy by taking measures to stay ahead of time, especially during the Covid- 19 pandemic and its effect on businesses. Businesses are now moving away from the traditional way of signing documents and using electronic and...
by Dianne Bayley | Nov 11, 2020 | Security and Legal
The Fairwork Foundation, in collaboration with researchers and legal academics from the Universities of the Western Cape, Oxford, Cape Town, and Manchester, has launched a new Code of Good Practice for platform workers in South Africa. The new code is designed to...