Staff incentives: What to avoid in 2017

Staff incentives: What to avoid in 2017

It’s a new year and organisations across the globe are asking the same question. How can we better incentivise our staff? For many, 2016 was a difficult year. A good success strategy for 2017 would not be completed without guidelines on motivating staff to perform...
Owning innovation in 2017: Up to the job?

Owning innovation in 2017: Up to the job?

The talent acquisition wish-list is clear. Innovative thinking is a key requirement of directors looking for senior management ready to embrace change and harness new ideas. The strategic goal is to institutionalise innovation, make it integral to the organisation and...
Workplace stress: Good, bad and truth

Workplace stress: Good, bad and truth

By Georgina Barrick, MD of Insource.ICT Recruitment Ask any athlete about to run onto the playing field, or any speaker about to face an audience of a thousand, if they’re nervous – and chances are both will own up at the very least to feeling a little...
Rise of digital recruitment strategy

Rise of digital recruitment strategy

Paper-based CVs are losing prominence as the tendency to recruit via social media becomes more prevalent in South Africa. Pierre Aurel, strategic product manager, e4 Strategic, a specialist provider of electronic technology solutions and services, says that the rise...